You can expect a response within 24 hours of sending us the form.
Should you not hear from us, please contact us on 0456 213 014 .

* Mandatory fields
Contact Name *
Company Name
(Corporate events only)
Phone/Mobile *
E-mail *
Event Description *
Event Date *
(Click on the calendar to select a date)
Suburb *
(Where event will be held)
Postcode *
(Where event will be held)
State *
(Where event will be held)
Starting Time * :
Finishing Time * :
Estimated Number Attending *
Is the event being advertised?
Event Frequency *
Is power available at the venue? *
Vehicle access available? *
How did you hear about Corn Kingdom?
(Tick more than one box if applicable)

Any additional information
Payment Option *
By selecting the second option, please be advised that all costs to be covered
by the applicant plus deposit are required at least 2 days prior to the event.